

No More Kindergarten

 I remember when I was in the kindergarten, I was so active. I was curious about everything and too energetic to fall asleep during the daytime. I couldn't stop thinking about going outside to play just like the pet dog I kept when I grew up. But in the kindergarten, the teacher asked us to go to sleep during the lunch time. And if I talk with friends in the bedroom ,the teacher would abuse us and even made us stand outside the bedrooms door.
 One day, when I was laying in my bed , it was so silent in the kindergarten's bedroom which was as big as a factory workshop and could place thirty beds for the children. No one dared to make a little noise, I even couldn't hear the breathiness of the other children who were already sleep. The only thing I could do was to watch people walk through the bedrooms heavy window easily and voicelessly . It seemed that everything in the outside world was fine but the air in the bedroom was frozen , and the worse thing was ——I was still alive in that suffering time. if the devil had given me a chance to make a deal with him in that time , maybe I would like to come to an agreement with him to exchange my freedom.
 Maybe , there are many frightening things in the world , but I learned in that time ,one of them is living without freedom. 
the kindergarden's bedroom and classroom
 a picture of me

