

the wardrobe in my house

There is a big wardrobe in my parents' bedroom. When I was a child , I was always fascinated by it . It was a brown wooden wardrobe with four small round golden handle. And it looked so high and huge in a child’s eyes.
  I always liked to worm myself in the big wardrobe when my parents were not looking. Crouched in the big wardrobe ,I felt everything was silent and peaceful. I enjoy the black in the wardrobe ,and firmly believed the black could protect me .
I also liked the soft clothes in the big wardrobe. The wardrobe had two separate compartments. The left one  belonged to my mom, and my dad’s  was on the right. I always wormed myself into the left one just because of  the mom’s clothes. There were so many different clothes in  my mom’s wardrobe. The cotton, the silk and the linen ,I loved them all when they touched my body. And the smell of mom also made me feel so relieved so that I usually slept in the wardrobe. When my parents couldn’t find me ,they opened the door of the wardrobe .But because of the long clothes hanging in the wardrobe ,they said: “oh, she is not here,  where she was gone?”

Although we moved house ,my parents still kept this wardrobe and I was so happy with that. But the day when I found I couldn’t sleep in the wardrobe anymore just because it was too small, I knew I had grown up. 


an observation in the morning

(Choose a public place around Yale campus and describe what you see.)

It was an afternoon  in Yale .The weather was beautiful. The sun was shining brightly, not many clouds in the sky, you could hear the birdcalls in campus. I was sitting  on the bench in front of our classroom building, holding an egg in my hand which I want to eat as my late breakfast. I was trying to find something happening around me.
There was a man who was squatting on the ground, stretching his arm again and again. He aroused my interest ,so I just walked to him to see what was he doing.
“hi, what are you doing?”
“hi! I am pulling up the weeds ,so only this grass can live” he pointed the grass for me.
I had known what  he was doing and I don’t have more topics to speak with him, but I was still curious about his job .So I just stood there, watched him silently and started to eat my egg. He seemed a little bit embarrassed .Maybe he thought to be watched directly by a girl who was eating an egg was an strange thing. But I didn’t care, I just stood there until I finished my egg and left him feeling that I was mysterious or brainsick .


the trip to New York(part 1)

I went to New York by myself!
This is my first time to go abroad ,first time to travel alone ,and I just went to New York BY MYSELF!
Actually ,it was not as difficult as I thought. Before leaving, I bought two maps, one was of Manhattan, the other was of the New York’s subway. It looks so complicated on the map of the subway lines, but after the first time I took it , it just became much more clear in my mind. In fact, the road of New York was very easy to maneuver, because they use numbers to name the roads and the roads was very orderly. To be honest, comparing with the first day when I walked in Yale confusedly ,trying to find the place to take the texts while dragging the big suitcases ,it was more easy to travel in New York.
I had wrote a list before I went there and tried to get to as many as possible.
I visited the metropolitan museum of art first. When I looked this suit, a man stood next me screamed : “wow! He must be very hot!”

When I rested on the grass of Central Park, I saw two man hugging, they didn’t  care about other people’s opinions, and I also enjoy this feeling.

When I went to see the Empire State Building, something happened. A black man who dressed like a policeman asked me to stop . After I stopped ,he asked me if I have the tickets for  Empire State Building and I said no. So he just printed a ticket from a small machine and it was $39 . But when I got to  the building, I found it was just $29  per person.  I asked the staff ,who were the people standing outside and they just said: “sorry, they don’t work for us. But this ticket can be used ,too.” I felt astonished that they also have scalpers in America ,I thought American had such good rules. Although the black man looked tall and big and scary, I thought it was in the central of the city and they couldn’t do something horrible. So I just waked back and said straight: “I don’t want this ticket.”  he didn't want to talk to me,
“why?“he asked, 
“because my friends have bought a ticket for me, and I don’t know. They are waiting for me now.”


The Fade of the Flowers ——adapted from Eileen Chang’s Hua Diao

  {go to the Yale Art Gallery,find a work of art that speaks to you then tell it's story}
There is a bunch of flowers on the table, they were just brought by the maid. People told her these flowers were sent by him. She really likes the color of these flowers ,pure white, light pink, faint yellow, they look so fresh and alive——not like her at all.
“Maybe I could recover from this dilatory illness ,maybe he is still longing for me,” She thinks ,“But If he really misses me, why hasn’t he come for such a long time. He knows I feel lonely.” 
She began to doubt ,“Maybe he is dating with another young lady now ,who is beautiful and healthy,who can go to parties and dance with him. She will keep company with him ,go to picnics and he would like to introduce her to his friends and tell jokes to make her laugh……
 She couldn't stop thinking such terrible things and the source of these problem was that he did not come to see her for about one month.he only sent these flowers to her everyday. “ Why doesn’t he come?  He maybe doesn’t want to see my face , I know I’m ugly now.”
She looks at the window of this lifeless room .They have closed the window and drawn the curtains to stop the wind and light. Only a beam of light travels through the crack between the curtains and shine on the flowers in the corner. The room is so quiet ,she can’t hear any sound outside the door, nobody is coming and nobody is passing. “Maybe I will never recover,” She thinks.

Two month later, she died ,her family held a big funeral for her. He  came with his fiancée and put a bunch of flowers before her grave. The Tombstone reads:“ a young and beautiful lady,loved by everyone.”

Scavenger Hunt Story

{Tell the story of your group's scavenger hunt.}
Three girls and one boy ran along the Wall street under the strong sunshine trying to find Sterling Memorial Library as quickly as possible.
A nice lady with a cup of coffee suddenly came by .
I bet that we must have looked very confused at that moment, so the lady gently asked “Do you guys need some help?”

We answered one after another.
“Oh, yes please!” Monica shouted.
“We’re trying to find the Stupid Gargoyle!” I exclaimed.
“But it sounds impossible for us to figure out which one it is!” Doris wailed.
“Time is so limited!” Joanna insisted.
Then she smiled and said, "Calm down you guys. "
Then she brought us inside the library. Behind the desk, there was another lady.
She said "Oh my god, they are doing it again! They do it every summer but I forget it every time. Maybe I can ask others for help."
Then she made a string of phone call. While she was doing it, more staff gathered around us. Among those people, one woman suddenly said "He is sure to help you guys. He knows everything!" pointing to a man with her finger.

The man looked like a wise man. So knowledgeable, insightful and sophisticated.
He pointed out one gargoyle with 100 percent confidence.
We trusted him with no doubt and then we took a picture immediately.

We believed that our mission was perfectly completed.
However, after we came back to our class, it turned out that what we had done was just like the letter on the book that the gargoyle held. It said “U R A JOKE”!!
The letter on the book that Stupid Gargoyle held was supposed to be just “Stupid.”
Oh my god, we didn’t notice the words!


july 4th weekend

 It was a rainy day and the lake was so beautiful in the rain. There was a mid-lake island in the lake which was full of green. I even saw a duck in the lake (I guess. If not ,I might have found a new monster in the world~),she putted her head under the water at a time and then looked up and kept swimming in the lack, she was so cute and alive in the rain. Thanks for Taka’s raincoat, I didn’t get wet in the rain.

The teacher said we would eat BBQ ,and I thought it should be like this  

But the we ate like this
I want to know if I misunderstood about the meaning of BBQ?
 When we came back from the lack , I couldn’t find the teacher who have found my key. But the kind bus driver gave me help and I thought her smile was so beautiful.
On the Saturday ,I went shopping in an outlets . but I didn’t buy a lot of things because I found most of them are made in China.  And the most impressive thing is ,we ran under the strong sunshine to try to catch the train. When we finally ran to the train station, out of breath, the sound from the station “the train is approaching, please stand in the yellow line” just began. And I thought maybe in the 20 years ,when I think back to this summer in America, I would till remember some girls, running under the big sun, trying to catch the train.

the First Impression of America

This is my first time to go aboard and the first foreign country I landed is America which has a long distance from my home, and just at the back of my home in the earth.
Through a long and tough time in the air, the plane of UNITED AIRLINE gave me a cruel lesson that the seat can be put down and sleep comfortably is just a lie told by the movies.
When the plane landed, I was picked up by a car to take me to Yale. The scenery I saw along the highway was very unfamiliar to me. The first impression that it gave me was countryside. I suddenly understood why the countryside music is so popular in America, because it is all over here! It seemed no one take care of the road environment such as cutting the grass in the centre divide of road . The wild grass in the field was taller than me and I could imagine a lion suddenly caming out and roaring at me .I thought it looked like Africa on TV ! because even in the countryside of China, I haven’t seen a large area of such high grass,almost every wild field have been taken to plant food.
The houses are beautiful and cute. No high buildings ,no crowd of people, it seemed they live a very easy life in America . The public transport was unexpectedly terribleI couldn’t imagine a bus stop without a sign. Maybe it explained why American people are facinated by cars .

And this is just my first impression of America and his countryside life.


No More Kindergarten

 I remember when I was in the kindergarten, I was so active. I was curious about everything and too energetic to fall asleep during the daytime. I couldn't stop thinking about going outside to play just like the pet dog I kept when I grew up. But in the kindergarten, the teacher asked us to go to sleep during the lunch time. And if I talk with friends in the bedroom ,the teacher would abuse us and even made us stand outside the bedrooms door.
 One day, when I was laying in my bed , it was so silent in the kindergarten's bedroom which was as big as a factory workshop and could place thirty beds for the children. No one dared to make a little noise, I even couldn't hear the breathiness of the other children who were already sleep. The only thing I could do was to watch people walk through the bedrooms heavy window easily and voicelessly . It seemed that everything in the outside world was fine but the air in the bedroom was frozen , and the worse thing was ——I was still alive in that suffering time. if the devil had given me a chance to make a deal with him in that time , maybe I would like to come to an agreement with him to exchange my freedom.
 Maybe , there are many frightening things in the world , but I learned in that time ,one of them is living without freedom. 
the kindergarden's bedroom and classroom
 a picture of me