

the final impresion of America

I have spent a really busy month in America.
I still remember the first day I arrived, the car picked me up at Newark Airport after the long trip. But I didn’t want to sleep in the car at all. I opened my eyes to see everything passing by. When the car stopped in the service station, I walked into it. The station was full of people .I saw a big Golden Retriever sitting by his master, a lot of people were standing in the line to buy some ice cream or hamburgers whose brands I had never seen before. I picked a bottle of water which I hadn’t recognized. Everything seemed amazing to me .
When I got to Yale, I started the busy life of learning . In the first week, because of time difference, I got up at 5:00 am every morning .So I could take a leisurely breakfast and go to the class early. But as I adapted to the life here , getting up early in the morning became more and more difficult~
Beside the busy work days, I had even more busy weekends every week. I tried my best to see America and those was really amazing experiences for me to see the outside world  for  the first time.
Maybe for somebody, one month sounds like a long time. But for me , since I began to love it , I have to say goodbye to it now. Although I usually have to stay up late in the night to finish the homework and be bothered by a lot of trouble came in my life , I also got used to the brand of the water and ice cream, I learnt how to take the train or bus or plane to wherever I want to  go in America . I tried to learn how to live in an unknown city by myself.

But I know, what I have seen in this month is just the tip of the iceberg. I still need to learn a lot of things in America ,and I really want to have a try. Say goodbye but not forever, I am also at the threshold of the next period of my life, now. Life is continuing, I am growing.

